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“Corium 21 has given me relief from the itching and burning of stress dermatitis for the first time in five years…. Finally, I’m able to sleep through the night! I’m so grateful that I found this effective, soothing cream Thank You! P.S. The inflammation is subsiding and the flaking has all but disappeared. I’ve only been using it for the past 9 days….” – C.O.

Corium 21 is far more than a moisturizer. It is a unique balance of nutrients, vitamins and emollients that delivers the complete range of the wonderful benefits of aloe vera to the skin. Since before the days of Cleopatra, aloe vera has been treasured for its moisturizing, rejuvenating and regenerating properties. Today, hundreds of health and beauty products claim aloe vera as an active ingredient; and there are over 180 species and 2,200 varieties of aloe.

Of these, only about three have truly potent properties. Corium 21 uses only the most potent aloe known, grown in rich, volcanic soil – and it is THE predominant ingredient in the Corium 21 aloe vera cream.

Thousands of satisfied users have discovered the benefits of Corium 21 Aloe Skin Cream. We invite you to join them and try Corium 21 with complete confidence and at no risk to yourself.

Pure Balance Is the Key to Beautiful Skin

The predominant ingredient in Corium 21 is potent, pure aloe vera, but can aloe alone handle and remedy skin conditions?

Often, the body requires more than one ingredient to be at its best! Compare this with the effectiveness of vitamins. Vitamin E is one of the best-known and most effective vitamins; as an antioxidant, it’s good for your heart and your circulation. It’s effective internally as well as externally, a very effective vitamin.

However, if you only took vitamin E to the exclusion of all others, you would probably not be as healthy as you could be. The body needs a proper balance of vitamins, minerals and nutrients to operate at peak health.

The same is true for your skin, the largest part of your body! Corium 21 enhances the natural benefits of aloe vera by supplying the correct combination of nutrients, emollients and vitamins in a proper balance making for an effective skin condition remedy.

Our Balanced Ingredients Deliver Superior Results

Corium 21 users frequently report dramatic results far superior to any other aloe vera skin cream.

What sets Corium 21 apart from other moisturizers?

Corium 21 contains a potent variety of aloe and also utilizes Soluble Collagen, Vitamin E, Green Tea extract, Chamomile, Vitamin B-1, Yucca, Ginseng, Niacin and a host of other ingredients, all formulated in a PROPER BALANCE.

Corium 21 Absorbs Deeply into the Skin

Corium 21 is natural and safe and is rapidly absorbed into the skin. It doesn’t simply lay on the skin. It penetrates so quickly and deeply into the skin that it cannot be washed off.

Corium 21’s proprietary blend of ingredients contains Niacin which has been shown to dilate the tiny capillaries, increasing circulation and carrying away toxins.

Aloe Vera for Beautiful, Soft Skin

Scientific research is now proving what naturalists have known for centuries as stated in this informative research article by the Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research:

“Components of aloe vera have been found to reverse degenerative skin changes by stimulating collagen and elastin synthesis, in essence turning back the clock on the effects aging has on skin.”

Purchase now, or call toll-free at (818) 761-4917 and start enjoying Corium 21.

Order Corium 21 today and see why so many of our customers love our product. Your confidence is assured with our risk-free, 100% money-back guarantee!